Social Media Policy

Social Media Software is defined as any web application, site or account created and maintained by the Springfield City Library which facilitates an environment for library staff and library users to share information and opinions about library related subjects or issues in a truly interactive way.
Social Media will be used to improve interactions between the Springfield Public Library, its active users, and the larger on-line and self-selected community to both increase the number of library users as well as improve the quality of their library experience.
Library staff will post information about library activities, discussion groups, etc. to keep library patrons better informed and to provide patrons the opportunity to provide solicited or unsolicited feedback to library staff and other patrons. Comments, posts and messages are welcome on the Springfield City Library social networking sites. The Springfield City Library reserves the right to monitor content before it is posted on all of its social software web sites and accounts, and to modify or remove any messages or postings that it deems, in its sole discretion to be abusive, defamatory, in violation of copyright, trademark right or other intellectual property right of any third party, or otherwise inappropriate for the service. The Springfield City Library also reserves the right to edit or modify any submissions in response to requests for feedback or other commentary. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Springfield City Library is not obligated to take any such actions, and will not be responsible or liable for content posted by any subscriber in any forum, message board, or other area within the service. The following types of submissions will not be posted:
- Obscene or racist content
- Personal attacks, insults or threatening language
- Potentially libelous statements
- Plagiarized materials
- Private, personal information published without consent
- Comments totally unrelated to the content of the forum
- Hyperlinks to material that is not directly related to the discussion
- Commercial promotions or spam
By posting content, the user agrees to indemnify the Springfield City Library and its officers and employees from and against all liabilities, judgments, damages and costs (including attorney’s fees) incurred, which arise out of or are related to the posted content. Forums and messaging may not be used for commercial purposes or for partisan political activity.
As with more traditional resources, the Library does not act in place of or in the absence of a parent and is not responsible for enforcing any restrictions which a parent or guardian may place on a minor’s use of the resource.
If any user does not agree to these terms, he or she is not to use the service, as violation of the terms can lead to legal liability.
Approved by the Springfield Library Commission May 5, 2010
Open Resource